July 27, 2024

Covid-19 Information

Churches in Erie and Girard are now open for normal Divine Liturgy Services

Our churches in Erie and Girard have resumed the normal Divine Liturgy at the regularly scheduled times. We continue to ask that every parishioner be EXTREMELY mindful of the health and safety concerns of their own families as well as those around them. Regardless of your own opinion of the world we now see, please be understanding and respectful of other parishioners whose circumstances, and thus their world view, may differ from yours.

Some pews will be blocked off to maintain social distancing, so you may find you are unable to sit where you normally would. DO NOT move or adjust the ribbons we’ve placed. We believe we will be able to accommodate everyone who wishes to attend while maintaining distancing guidelines and addressing health concerns. All doors will be opened, and hand sanitizer will be available throughout the church.

Unvaccinated parishioners and those with health concerns are encouraged to continue wearing facial protection.

Holy Communion will be distributed as normal. Fr. John will be masked while distributing; we ask that when you approach, you open your mouth as widely as possible and do not contact the spoon. Adults and especially children who are unable to avoid contact with the spoon should refrain from receiving in deference to other parishioners. If you are uncomfortable in any way, please refrain from receiving communion.

We ask EVERYONE to be SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE in traffic areas – restrooms, Narthex, aisles, devotional candles, approaches to and from the church entrances. DO NOT congregate inside the church. Do not kiss items on the tetrapod. Again, we ask you to always be mindful of your own safety and those around you.

If you remain uncomfortable attending in person, know that our Cathedral in Pittsburgh will continue streaming their Sunday liturgy at 9 am – https://stjohnsbyzantinecathedral.com/cathedral/live