October 22, 2024

News Archives – Sts Cyril & Methodius

2011 Holiday Dinner

Parishioners joined Fr. Bob for the Annual SS Cyril & Methodius Holiday Dinner at the church Social Hall

ByzanTeen Youth Prepare Easter Baskets

March 2010 – ByzanTeen youth from Ss. Cyril & Methodius joined with those from
Ss. Peter & Paul in Erie to prepare traditional Easter Baskets for shut-ins.
— Click Here for Additional Photos —

Welcome to Fr. Bob

On February 5 and 7, 2010 members of SS Cyril & Methodius welcomed Fr. Bob to the parish family.

Bus Trip to 75th Annual Pilgrimage

The sisters pf St. Basil the Great invite you to the pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, September 5 – September 7, 2009 at Mount St. Macrina, Uniontown, PA. This is a great opportunity to grow in your relationship with God and to pray and socialize with Byzantine Catholics from other parts of the country. If you are interested in taking the bus to the Uniontown Pilgrimage on Sunday 6 September 2009, please sign your name on the sheet in the Narthex of the church. The bus will leave SS Cyril & Methodius Church at 7:30 AM. It will return to the Erie area at approximately 1 AM. Cost for the bus is $30 per adult. Children and youth through college are free.

2009 Graduates

Jesse M. Antolik      Girard High School
Gregory E. Hrinda   Rochester Institute of Technology, B.S. in Physics

May God grant to our graduates peace, health and happiness for many years!

Memorial Day Blessing of Graves

On Memorial Day, May 25, parishoners and Fr. Andrew gathered for the blessing of graves at Girard Cemetery. For additional photos, click here.

Girard parish a strong show at Pro-Life Breakfast

Parishioners of SS. Cyril and Methodius Church Support Organization’s Efforts

by Victor Wheeler

People For Life, Inc. of Erie, Pennsylvania held its 31st Annual Pro-Life Prayer Breakfast on Jan. 17, 2009 at the Ambassador Banquet and Conference Center in Erie. In attendance were 19 members of SS. Cyril and Methodius Church of Girard, Pa. and their pastor, Father Andrew Deskevich.

Special recognition was given to SS. Cyril and Methodius Church for the strong showing of participants at the breakfast, which was held on an extremely frigid and snowy winter day.

Father Andrew is doing an exemplary job on the Erie Pro-Life scene, as evidenced by the strong showing of Byzantine Catholics from his small yet active Girard parish.

September 28, 2008 – Sacred Hymns of the Carpathian Mountains

On September 28 Parishioners from SS. Cyril & Methodius joined Fr. Andrew on a bus trip to Parma, Ohio, to attend Divine Liturgy at St. John Byzantine Catholic Cathedral. Responses were chanted by the seminary choir from the Blessed Theodore Romzha Theological Academy in Uzhorod, Ukraine. The choir is currently on a tour of the Eastern United States.