The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (Easter)
We call the Day “The Great Passover,” the day when Jesus Christ passed over from death to life, thereby giving us New Life. Everything in our lives is changed because of the Resurrection: the way we pray, our posture in Church, the Church building itself, everything…
- There is no kneeling from Easter until Pentecost Sunday. We are a resurrected people and we stand in glory of Christ’s Holy Resurrection.
- The bells are rung over and over again on this day as we proclaim to all that Christ has trampled death for us.
- The Gospel is read in as many languages as possible, announcing that the Resurrection is for ALL peoples.
- Bright Vestments and decorations are used to constantly remind us that we celebrate the Feast of Victory.
- There is no fasting during Bright Week. Meat is eaten every day of the week.
- The doors of the Iconostasis remain open during Bright Week even when no services are celebrated.
- The Resurrection Icon shows Christ coming from the tomb and raising up Adam and Eve.

Pascal Greetings
English: | Christ is Risen! | Indeed He is Risen! |
Church Slavonic: | Christos Voskrese! | Voistinu Voskrese! |
Rusin: | Christos Voskres! | Voistinu Voskres! |
Greek: | Christos anesti! | Alithos anesti! |
Hungarian: | Feltámadt Kristus! | Valóban feltamadt! |
Arabic: | Al Massee Kam! | Hakku Kum! |
Byelorussian: | Khristos Uvoskros! | Zaprowdu Uvoskros! |
Czech: | Kristus Vstal A Mrtvych! | Opravdi Vstoupil! |
Italian: | Cristo è risorto! | In verita è risorto! |
French: | Le Christ est ressuscite! | En verite il est ressuscite! |
German: | Christus ist erstanden! | Er ist wahrhaftig erstanden! |
Latin: | Christus Resurrectus Est! | Vere Resurrectus Est! |
Polish: | Khristus zmartvikstau! | Zaiste zmartvikstau! |
Slovak: | Kristus vstal lzmr’tvych! | Skutoc~ne vstal! |
Spanish: | ìCristo es resucitado! | ìEn verdad es resucitado! |
Ukrainian: | Khristos voskres! | Voistinu voskres! |
Chinese: | Helisituosi fuhuole! | Queshi fuhuole! |
Japanese: | Harisutos Fukkatsu! | Jitsu ni Fukkatsu! |