January 15, 2025

Mission Statement

Saints Peter and Paul Byzantine Catholic Church and Saints Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Church are members of the Byzantine Catholic Metropolitan Church of Pittsburgh who through the Holy Spirit is called to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As a community and family, we grow in faith and in the image and likeness of God by dedicating ourselves to welcome, celebrate and care for all of God’s people

Mysteries of Initiation (Baptism, Chrismation & Eucharist):
Must be a registered, active member of the parish family. Pre-baptism instructions are required. Contact Fr. John to schedule.

Mystery of Crowning:
Must be a registered, active member of the parish family. Must meet with Fr. John before setting date and reserving your banquet hall. Pre-Cana weekend is required and three sessions with Fr. John.

Mystery of Reconciliation:
Celebrated Saturdays, 4:45-5:15 pm at SS Peter & Paul in Erie and Sundays 8:15-8:45 am at SS Cyril & Methodius in Girard, and upon request.

Mystery of Anointing:
Celebrated upon request. Ideally celebrated in Church the Sunday before undergoing any surgical or other medical procedure.

Visitation of the Sick:
The parishioners confined to their homes or nursing homes due to health reasons are visited monthly. Also, persons who are hospitalized are visited when Fr. John is notified. Please note that federal laws restrict pastors’ access to hospital patient information. As of 15 April 2003, federal laws severely restrict the access of hospital patient information for anyone, including pastors. These federal laws make it especially important that a family member contact Fr. John whenever a loved-one is hospitalized.

Families of the deceased or the funeral director must contact Fr. John before setting and publishing the day and time of the funeral.

Parish Registration:
We welcome anyone to become a parishioner of SS. Peter & Paul or SS Cyril & Methodius Parish. When one registers to become a parish member they assume the responsibility of rendering stewardship of time, talent, and treasure to this parish family. Worship at the parish is always expected. Registration is done only through the pastor by appointment.

Godparent/Sponsor Letters:
Must be a registered, active, supporting member of the parish.

Rectory Office Hours:
Father is available by appointment.